Mise à jour 1.08 du 3 décembre

Une nouvelle mise à jour est disponible depuis le 3 décembre. Elle apporte de nombreux correctifs au mode zombie sans introduire de nouveauté.

Le dernier défi Dark Ops doit maintenant être réalisable.

Voici le détail des modifications propres au mode zombie :

  • Stability
    • General – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • In multiple situations when a player disconnected from the game.
      • Occasionally when calculating stats at the end of a round.
      • When disconnecting the controller during the loading screen could lead to multiple « reconnect controller” messages.
      • When using Deadshot Dealer.
      • In rare instances when triggering Winter’s Wail.
      • In rare instances when triggering alternative ammo type FX.
      • In rare instances when hint text displayed in Rush.
      • In rare instances when a Stoker died.
      • In rare instances while disconnecting while downed.
      • In rare instances when a player disconnected while using the Viper and Dragon or Ragnarok DG-5.
    • Voyage of Despair – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • When the Blightfather used his tongue attack.
      • While activating the Sentinel Artifact.
      • While using fast travel.
      • During the Wonder Weapon quest.
    • Blood of the Dead – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • During the third step of the Main Quest.
      • When a Hellhound died after falling too far outside the map.
      • In rare instances while running the unfinished Magmagat across the map.
      • In rare instances when a Hellhound was killed.
    • Classified – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • When a player disconnected while interacting with the door to the room containing McNamara in the Main Offices.
      • When triggering Nova Crawler spawn FX.
      • When Nova Crawlers used the teleporter.
      • In rare instances when a player disconnected while teleporting.
    • IX
      • Fixed a crash that could occur when the Blightfather’s projectiles fired.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Moved one of the Dark Ops Master Calling Cards to the correct tab.

Source: Reddit.

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